Pat Ryan

In 2022, Pat won the seat formerly held by Antonio Degado, who he lost the primary to in 2018. He attended West Point with two of his fellow congressmen, John James (R-MI) and Wesley Hunt (R-TX).


Chanikarn Thongsupa

LBJ Library

Brendan Smialowski, Agence France-Presse



42, New York — 18, D

Who is he?

Congressman Pat Ryan represents New York’s 18th District, which includes the beautiful Hudson Valley. He was elected to Congress in 2022 and quickly became known for his strong leadership, especially on issues like national security, climate change, and reproductive rights. Before joining Congress, Ryan served as the Ulster County Executive, where he worked on bringing high-speed internet to rural areas and strengthening local economies. He attended West Point with two of his fellow congressmen, John James (R-MI) and Wesley Hunt (R-TX). He then served as an Army officer, earning recognition for his service in Iraq. Pat’s focused on making sure his district gets the resources it needs, whether it’s addressing economic concerns or tackling climate issues.

What’s he saying?

“If folks have the courage to raise their right hand, swear an oath to protect this nation, and put their lives on the line, then they sure as hell deserve the opportunity to become an American citizen.”

Core Issues

  • Clean Air and Water
  • Job Access and Security
  • Veterans Rights and Affairs


Next Candidate

Katie Britt

41, Alabama, R